২৫শে জানুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ শনিবার || ১১ই মাঘ, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ


A rally discussion meeting was held on the foundation anniversary of Jatiya Party in Ishwarganj

Abdullah Al Numan:

On the occasion of the 37th founding anniversary of Jatiya Party, cake cutting, colorful rally and discussion meeting were held in Ishwarganj, Mymensingh. On Sunday afternoon, a rally was organized by the upazila Jatiya Party from Sheikh Russell Mini Stadium.

General Secretary Abdul Hadi, Vice President, UP Chairman Abdul Ali Fakir, Anwarul Hasan Khan Salim, Former Chairman Abdul Motaleb, Anwar Parvez, Organizing Secretary Tofazzal spoke at Jatiya Party office under the chairmanship of Upazila Zapa Senior Vice President Nurul Islam Khan Suruj. Hossain, Abdul Matin, Municipal Councilor Azizur Rahman Jiban, Jahangir Alam, District Student Society Convenor HM Sarwar, Upazila Youth Union President Sarwardi Sujan, Secretary Atiqur Rahman Sujan etc.

Leaders and activists of Upazila Jatiya Party organs and allied organizations were present at the time.